Tuesday, June 29, 2010


Originally uploaded by Chasing Light Studio ~ Pie's Photography

It has been great to get out lately & photograph something that I am comfortable with – yay for wildlife! Not having to worry about light intensity/distance from subject, batteries wearing out & what light modifiers would work best in this situation; only you & your subject & that ever, oh so beautiful, but brief moment of contact with one another.


Originally uploaded by Chasing Light Studio ~ Pie's Photography

It has been great to get out lately & photograph something that I am comfortable with – yay for wildlife! Not having to worry about light intensity/distance from subject, batteries wearing out & what light modifiers would work best in this situation; only you & your subject & that ever, oh so beautiful, but brief moment of contact with one another.

Proud parent

Proud parent
Originally uploaded by Chasing Light Studio ~ Pie's Photography

It has been great to get out lately & photograph something that I am comfortable with – yay for wildlife! Not having to worry about light intensity/distance from subject, batteries wearing out & what light modifiers would work best in this situation; only you & your subject & that ever, oh so beautiful, but brief moment of contact with one another.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010


Originally uploaded by Chasing Light Studio ~ Pie's Photography

Born May 16th 2007, Teagan just celebrated her 3rd birthday - Happy Birthday!

Teagan was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes in December 2008. Talking with her mom about the symptoms of diabetes was the only reason we caught Parker’s diabetes so early on with little complications.

To say these young ones are tough is an understatement – with countless blood tests & insulin injections every day – one tends to grow up a lot faster than they need to.